Week 5 part 2

 Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Five, you will write a brief 1-page memorandum, this time to your colleagues in a criminal justice agency, about a new evidence-based practice (EBP) that will be implemented in response to the public policy issue you selected in Milestone One. First, review the articles from the Module Five resources, Evidence-Based Practice, Evidence-Based Policing, and the website Center for Evidence-Based Corrections. Next, consider the following scenario: Your colleagues need to be convinced of the need to implement EBP into a response to a public policy issue that your criminal justice agency must address. Use the Memorandum Template to complete the assignment. Address the following critical elements as they are reflected in the Sample Policy Memorandum. Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 1. Issue Presented: In a brief one-sentence question, summarize the importance of implementing at least one new EBP into a response to your previously selected public policy issue. 2. Short Answer: Provide a short answer that summarizes the conclusion of the memorandum. 3. Statement of Facts: Describe how implementing EBP will result in more effective policymaking. 4. Discussion: Briefly discuss at least one recent example of a departmental policy (from law enforcement, the courts, or corrections) that has effectively been revised to incorporate EBP. 5. Conclusion: Provide a conclusion based on the research you have done and the details you have gathered. 6. Recommendations: Recommend at least one new EBP to your colleagues and include reasons why it will improve the response to the public policy that your criminal justice agency must address. Remember that the EBP that you will be examining should directly relate to the public policy issue you selected in Milestone One. Reference your textbook or other course readings to support your submission. For assistance in writing this memorandum, please review the Sample Policy Memorandum as well as the optional article Policy Memo Writing Tips. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: This policy analysis memorandum assignment should follow these formatting guidelines: 1 page in length (excluding title and reference pages), single spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. Please use the Memorandum Template to complete this activity. Refer to the Criminal Justice Library Tips for assistance in finding and citing outside sources.