week 5 project


Week 5 Project – Due

Feb 14, 2021 11:59 PMMCJ6985-Applied Professional Project SU01

Final Introduction and Background Sections

In this assignment, you will incorporate the feedback that you have received till now and submit revised, final versions of your introduction and background sections of your report. Your submission should be a clean, updated version that will be included in your compiled final project.

Cite all sources using APA format on a separate page.

Submission Details:

  • Name your document SU_MCJ6985_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Week 5 Project Due February 14 at 11:59 PM 

Week 1 Response from professor  Threaded 1 


The topic of privatization is profoundly interesting. I wonder (out loud), if there are differences in recidivism rates for inmates warehoused in privates versus public facilities? I could see a randomized study selecting participants from both types of institutions and, of course, “following them” for up to three years post-release. Just a lead to possibly provide some narrow direction.

In any case, just to give you a heads-up, this project is more than just a literature review or reporting statistics collected by government agencies. You will be designing a study on your own, collecting and analyzing data, to test your ideas. Of course, given the short-term nature of the class the data will have to be fictitious. Let me know if you need further clarification.

Week 2 Threaded response

 Perhaps you could structure the methodology so that the study randomly selects offenders from both public and privately run facilities to shadow post-release? You can, of course, administer self-reported criminal behavior surveys to see if differences exist in terms of reoffending. Additionally, I think you can run a criminal background check for all participants to examine differences in recidivism as well as to perform a cross-validation of self-reported responses. 

Week 3 Threaded response 

 This is a nice setup, Stephanie. Social and economic marginalization are active ingredients that lead to re-offending. In the context of the private/public prison comparisons, I think you may find that all else being equal the real barrier to successful reintegration requires a cultural change. Would you, after all, higher an ex-felon? Most say “yes” but I imagine the stigma is too much of a risk for business owners. 

Week 4 Threaded response


  • To simplify, might I suggest:
    Null: Inmates housed in private prisons are no more likely to recidivate post-release as compared to inmates housed in public prisons.
    Alternate: Inmates housed in private prisons have significantly different recidivism rates as compared to inmates housed in public prisons.
    Independent variable: Type of prison (private or public)
    Dependent variable: Re-arrest (3 years after release)Reply