Week 5 Response 5 Dq 2 386

Hello Professor and class,

Question #3: As the first session was finishing up, the group leader asked for the group members to comment what they liked or didn’t like about the session and a group member made a comment to the leader. Her comment was taken as a indirect cue to the leader and he felt he needed to respond directly to what he perceived she was saying. I thought the leader was direct and clear when responding to the group member and he was able to put her response in context to what he thought she was really saying. The group member seemed to be at ease when the leader addressed to her in a direct way to say that he was never in recovery and continued to explain his work experience. The co-leader jumped in the conversation by stating that he was in recovery and how recovery is different for everyone. These two responses from the leader and co-leader gave the group member two different perspectives to think about as she prepares for the group sessions. In the theory of group development, the group has to deal with the leader first and then they can deal with other group members (Lecroy, 2014).

Raymond Wilcox


LeCroy, C. W., & Lecroy, C. W. (Eds.). (2014). Case studies in social work practice. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.