Week 5: Written Assignment – Pay for Performance Quality and Incentives

Go to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services website ().

Click on one of the articles. Analyze pay for performance quality and incentives in hospitals, nursing homes, or provider offices and describe the performance standards and scoring methods.

Your written paper should be 750 words, double-spaced, and in APA style. Our primary text and the journal or website research article must be used as references to support your analysis paper. You must use at least three professional references. Include a link to the primary article selected for this assignment.

more instructions:


Name of the article; problem being addressed; problem statement for the article

Style, Grammar, Syntax

Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage are correct. Readability is excellent, with strong attention to audience, appropriate tone and style, and good transitional language.

Article Review

Describe how the article analyzes pay for performance quality and incentives in hospitals, nursing homes, or provider offices.

Conclusions & Recommendations

Minimum of 3 references are used Uses primary text, journals, and articles for reference of your analysis


Provides usable link to the provided article Meets with 750 words, double-spaces, and APA style.