Week 6 Assignment

 Please share (2 to 4 paragraphs) on what you learned when you read chapter 11 along with Overview of Mobile Forensics (.PDF file) and identify what makes this different form acquiring computers in the traditional sense.THENPlease share (2 to 4 paragraphs) on what you learned when you read Developing Processes for Mobile Forensics (.PDF file)THENPlease share (2 to 4 paragraphs) on what you learned when you read Future of Mobile Foresics (.PDF) file and identify if you thought the author may have missed anything as well as your own thoughts – what did you learn!?THEN Please share answer the following questions (2 to 4 paragraphs):

  1. What is the difference between Tor, VPN, and proxy servers?
  2. How might you perform digital forensics against each one of these three areas if you are asked to identify data of interest?
  3. For each of these areas, what do you feel is important for an investigator to know?

Why did I assign this?As an investigator you need to be familiar with how mobile devices are hugely different from preservation and collection of computers!