Week 6 Discussion – Ethical Practice

 Week 6 Discussion – Ethical Practice

  • Discussion Overview
    In this week’s discussion, you will discuss ethical behavior, human rights, and diversity. 
  • What You Need to Know
    Ethical Reasoning
    Use your Critical Thinking text to read the following:
    • Chapter 14, “Develop As an Ethical Reasoner,” pages 345365.
      • This chapter focuses on foundations of ethical reasoning, including:
        • Ethical principles are not a matter of subjective preference.
        • All reasonable people are obligated to respect clear-cut ethical concepts and principles.
        • To reason well through ethical issues, we must know how to apply ethical concepts and principles to those issues.
        • Ethical concepts and principles must be distinguished from the norms and taboos of society and peer groups, religious teachings, political ideologies, and the law.
        • The most significant barriers to sound ethical reasoning are the egocentrism and sociocentrism of human beings.
    • Institutional Review Board
      Research requires careful compliance with the regulations set forth by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Review by the IRB is required for research by all Capella doctoral learners. IRB review ensures research complies with federal regulations and ethical practices for human protections. Capella University’s IRB is responsible for reviewing all research involving human participants or records, including all research by learners engaged in the dissertation process. The IRB focuses on:
    • Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of participants.
    • Respecting the autonomy and dignity of participants.
    • Minimizing risks while maximizing benefits to participants.
    • Ensuring participants have adequate information to make informed decisions.
    • Weighing the benefits and risks of research and making sure each is equally distributed.

  • Write Your Discussion Post
    Ethics, Human Rights, and Diversity
    Review Section 14.9, “Identifying Your Unethical Behavior,” page 363, and Section 14.2, “Recognizing Violations of Human Rights Based on Universal Ethical Principles,” page 353 from this week’s reading from your Critical Thinking text.
    For this discussion, respond to the following prompts:
    • What are the differences between unethical behavior and violations of human rights?
      • Provide an example of each, and explain why there was an indication of unethical behavior or violation of human rights.
      • Describe how each situation might be rectified.
    • What activities have you participated in or been aware of in your work setting that focused on ethical behavior, respect for diversity, and civil discourse? As you address this question, recall that diversity can include the following: exceptionalities, ethnicity, gender, orientation, intelligence, age, socioeconomic status, culture, religion, native language.
      • State if these initiatives were effective. Why or why not? What changes would you recommend to enhance their effectiveness?
      • Include support from the literature in your post.