Week 7

Question 1: 

Thoroughly review the following video: 

Based on your review, please respond to the following:

As important as compensation is to employees so is how compensation is communicated by the organization. As Chief HR Officer for the company what key ideas would you implement in the company to ensure communication of the compensation plan is effective? Be specific.

Note: Your response to the discussion must be informative, be supported with research,  and follow the requirements set by this course.

Question 2: 

Respond to the following:

  • Imagine your organization is in survival mode as it tries to ride out the economic downfall. The organization has adopted a strategy of 20 percent reduction in staff compensation in order to prevent layoffs. It is not plausible this strategy will retain top talent if it continues to be the company’s strategy. As an HR executive at the company, you have been asked to develop a pay-for-performance strategy. Address how you would approach this task and what you would propose.