Week 7 Discussion

  • Identify what you believe to be the most disruptive innovation to arise within the last three years. How does this innovation impact education? Be sure to think critically about how virtually any disruptive innovation could affect the way we learn and perceive the world. For example, rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft have made it possible for students who did not otherwise have reliable transportation to get to campus for classes. It also can provide a more flexible source of income so that students can work around their school schedules. Consider whether this innovation can be utilized in any way to enhance education. Are there concerns about potential negative impacts on education? Are there any ethical considerations? Be sure your response answers each of the questions presented.

  • Share your thoughts about this innovation. Do you agree that it is disruptive? How so? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates posts, commenting on the innovation that he or she identified.