week 7 PSY 7711 REPLIES

 Sophia Augedahl Unit 7 Discussion

The raw data in figure 3-17 displays an A-B-A-B research design. This design consists of a baseline and treatment phase followed by withdrawing treatment in the second baseline phase and implementing a second phase of the treatment (Miltenberger, 2016). In this case, the baseline and treatment phases are occurring for the same behavior, same subject, and same setting (Miltenberger, 2016). The first baseline phase is shown in the figure in months one through four, then the first intervention phase is introduced in months five through nine (Miltenberger, 2016). Another baseline phase is implemented in months 10 through 12, and the second intervention phase in months 13 through 16 (Miltenberger, 2016). The data collected meet the criteria of at least three data points and are not shifted in phases until stable responding has been met and there is no trend in the data (Miltenberger, 2016). There is little variability in the data before a phase is switched from baseline to treatment or vice versa. The two conditions of baseline and treatment phases can be compared within a time period and no extraneous variables can cause differences between conditions (Miltenberger, 2016). Based on the data collected, the intervention of daily reminders to turn out lights and turn off appliances was effective in both treatment phases in reducing the kilowatts of electricity used per month by the fraternity house (Miltenberger, 2016). To make this a changing-criterion design, I would gather baseline data to help determine an appropriate criterion for the first treatment phase. Each treatment phase could aim to be achieved in 10 days or less, and the criterion goal could decrease by 500 kilowatts each phase to systematically reduce the amount of electricity being used. To the intervention itself, I would continue the daily reminders in the morning and also add a midday reminder, as well as incentives for reaching the criterion in each phase. Because the reminder one time per day demonstrated effectiveness in the A-B-A-B design, I would expect that another reminder and the addition of incentives would result in greater reductions in kilowatts of electricity used by the fraternity.


Miltenberger, R. G. (2016). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures (6th ed.). Cengage Learning

14 hours agoCassandra Huerta U7 Discussion

Based on the raw data in figure 317, the type of design presented is the

A-B-A-B reversal design. The visual analysis of the within and between  conditions show first baseline has a high level, little variability, and no trend. The first intervention shows moderate level, stable variability, with very slight decsending trend. Then the second baseline is showing a moderate to high level, stable variability, with no trend and the second intervention shows low level, stable variability, with no trend. This is showing prediction for the baseline and the treatment phases, where if conditions of previous phases remained in effect measures could be forecasted. The visual analysis shows a functional relationship because the baseline and treatment phases are replicated at least twice, and the behavior changes each time (Miltenberger, 2016). The verification in the data show strength for the intervention condition. The change of behaviors coincides with the intervention, decreasing most when the treatment phase was implemented (Miltenberger, 2016). This is showing that the change in kilowatt usage is caused by the given daily reminders, not some extraneous variable. The data shows experimental control, that manipulating the independent variable causes the behavior changes. However, the second baseline is also at a lower level than the first baseline, but higher than the second intervention, which may show a sequence effect may be occurring. 

In order to make this into a changing criterion design, I would start by setting a goal of lowering the kilowatts by 300. Starting with daily reminders, and setting incentives towards reaching that goal. Each time the house reaches 300 kilowatts less a reward is shared with the whole house. I would figure out what motivations would be preferred and ask them for what kind of reminders would help aide them in reaching their goals, such as sticky notes posted by the light switches or on the from door. I would expect a more steady descending level for every month.

Cassandra Huerta

MS Psychology | Applied Behavior Analysis

Miltenberger, R. G. (2016). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.