Week 8

Explore the health needs of men or the elderly.

Step 1: Choose a health need to investigate.
From the following list, choose one health need to focus on for this assignment:

  • Health needs of men: prostate health, cardiovascular health, sexual dysfunction, alcohol abuse
  • Health needs of elderly: bone health, stroke care, cancer, social isolation

Step 2: Research the incidence and impact of this health need.
Research the incidence and impact of the problem among the specified population. Use at least three scholarly sources (that is, peer-reviewed journal articles or websites written by a group that has expertise and strong credentials in the field of interest). Make sure that you use APA format to properly cite sources used.

Step 3: Propose prevention strategies.
Propose two relevant population-based strategies at each level of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary).

Step 4: Summarize your findings and intervention proposals.

  • The incidence and impact of this health problem on the population
  • Two relevant population-based strategies at each level of prevention (for a total of six)
  • A hypothesis of which strategy would lead to the greatest impact on health outcomes for this population. Explan your answer and include evidence supporting your decision.