Week Five – Project Management – Exercise 3


I need this assignment by Thursday, April 29th.


Write a 400-word paper of the interview with a response to the following questions:

Name: Jermaine Moore

Position: Project Manager of Volunteer Services 

Company: Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA

       What kind of closure procedures are used to complete a project?

Response: My current project is receiving patients values from family members. I set up a system with my Ambassadors to log each item received and what room they are going to. Then my Ambassador will take the items up to the room. This was administered to allow the nursing staff to stay and take care of patients instead of coming from the floor to accept items. We use Flow Charts as our closure procedure because it entails a check list. This allows me to outline everything from items being received and delivered. Then we audit each day, and then share feedback as a team. This feedback then tells me what changes need to be made. As well as something to show upper management on the process of the project. 

       Are lessons learned used?

Response: Most lessons learned leaves us asking the whys and finding a solution. For example, we track how many Kaiser staff is badging in throughout the day. We found that in the morning its usually at 100%, but towards the middle of the day the number drops to 60%. Then the question is asked, why the fluctuation? As a team we begin to look at why staff is not badging in and what changes can be made.

Only have 2 sections in the paper body (1 for each question) and discuss what you found out from your interview on each topic question.

All papers are APA format to include the intro/closing paragraph.

Please read the attachment for more information regarding the assignment.