Week One Assignment 1 – Health Behavior Change Minimum Two Pages Not Including Title And Reference

Week One Assignment 1 – Health Behavior Change

For this first assignment, you will describe a Health Behavior that you are targeting to change for yourself (minimum 2 pages not including title and reference page). Use the “sample” template as a guide.
Please include the following in your health behavior change assignment:
Choose a Health Behavior and identify a clear (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Reasonable/Realistic, and Timely) goal
Describe the prevalence and other significant consequences (1-2 paragraphs)
Describe your current, baseline level of the behavior, using some quantitative data (1 paragraph)
Describe your previous experiences in changing this behavior (1 paragraph)
Describe your confidence in changing this behavior (1 paragrpah)
Use APA format for the in-text referencing and the reference list.  You should be using reputable sources such as Centers for Disease Control (and other .gov resources) as well as the textbook and peer-reviewed articles.