week seven feedback 2


utism Spectrum Disorder is a difficult development disorder that occurs which tenacious trials such as social interface, dialogue, gestures or physical hints, and constrained or repetitive behaviours (Lord et al., 2020). The severities of the systems of the disorder vary across different entities. It occurs across all ethnic, racial and economic backgrounds. It is a life-long disorder accompanied by treatments and services that can improve the entities symptoms and abilities to function. Autism Spectrum Disorder among adults has grown significantly in recent years.

David: Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disorder portrayed as symptoms from childhood, but the parents did not realise that he had Autism Spectrum Disorder (PsychLab, nd). In early childhood as a child, David did not learn from his mistakes as the parents expected him to, as other young children indicate that they learn from their mistakes and change their behaviour. He also had a hard time talking, as expected as a young kid. He did not walk, talk or even feed himself much later than when a child is expected to start talking and walking. However, when he started to talk, he talked fluently as if he had been speaking from a normal age. He also did well in school, better than his performance at his job. It was easier navigating through school as a result of direct instruction. He could learn what needed to be done, but it was significantly difficult to handle the situation when the situation was changed. He also experienced challenges making friends and meeting women.

David had undeveloped social skills and the realization that he is different from other entities. There is anxiety pressure to impress other people. However, the situations are different, but in many cases, the social and learning life is affected by other entities knowledge that he had Autism Spectrum Disorder. His condition is described as a disability that makes it hard for him to date and has intimate relationships. Davids meets the full criteria of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. Based on the DSM-5 diagnostic Standards, there are tenacious deficits in social communication and social interactions through several settings (Esler & Ruble, 2015). David portrayed a deficit in nonverbal communicative behaviours. He was a late bloomer in communication from their early childhood hood as he took a long time to start talking. He also had challenges expressing himself in various contexts, especially at work, due to the changed settings. The classroom uses direct commands and clear illustrations on what the learner is expected to do. However, it was challenging for him to draw what was expected of him based on verbal and physical communication in the social context.

There are restricted and repeated behavioural patterns. One of Davids identified behaviours is that he portrayed restricted behaviours. It was hard to draw him out of the box. He portrayed inflexed adherence to routines. The extreme distress in small changes is significantly common among entities with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  David also had fixated interests which are abnormal in intensity.

The Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms were present from the early development period, such as delayed walking and talking compared to normal kids.  The symptoms also caused significant impartment on David’s social occupation, such as work.  David was not a good performer at work. There were disturbances in his social communication, which would be expected for the general developmental level. David did not have many friends as it was challenging for him to develop any kind of relationship with other entities.

There are various mental disorders with close symptom similarities with Autism Spectrum Disorder; however, they cannot be diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder. An example of the disorders is Asperger’s disorders which are from the classic autism. However, Asperger disorder has less severe symptoms. It also lacks the language delays which are found in autism. The children diagnosed with Asperger disorders are mildly affected and frequently have decent language and cognitive skills. Another mental disorder is a borderline personality disorder. Both ASD and BPD experience challenges in emotional and relational interactions. However, BPD cannot be diagnosed as ASD as there are different symptoms and behaviours among the entities. For BPD, the entities are afraid of being abandoned or being left alone.  It is similar behaviour to ASD because the entities have a strong emotional attachment. However, they are not afraid of abandonment. BPD is also linked to other symptoms such as self-harm, explosive anger and destructive behaviours.


Esler, A. N., & Ruble, L. A. (2015). DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder with implications for school psychologists. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology3(1),

Lord, C., Brugha, T. S., Charman, T., Cusack, J., Dumas, G., Frazier, T., … & Veenstra-VanderWeele, J. (2020). Autism spectrum disorder. Nature Reviews Disease Primers6(1), 1-23.

PsychLab (nd).David Asperger’s

Reply Quote 1 day agoMichelle Green KEISER PROFESSOR MANAGER Thanks, Barbara!

Hi Barbara,

One of the challenges of research into this diagnosis is its variability and heterogeneity.  How can researchers better identify the causes, given how differently it manifests itself across children?  


Dr. Green

Reply Quote 2 days agoMelanie Thomas RE: Discussio