
Week 5 Project: Prisoners’ Rights

You work in the administrative office of a correctional facility and handle complaints about violations of prisoners’ rights. A conference on prisoners’ rights is being held in the near future. Your supervisor asks you to study a report on violations of prisoners’ rights and prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation for the conference. The presentation will include an analysis of how courts handle cases of violation of prisoners’ rights.

In your presentation:

  • Identify trends in the most common prisoner issues and the way courts handle violations of prisoners’ rights.
  • Focus on the following six issues:
    • Living conditions
    • Medical and mental health care
    • Physical security
    • Fourth Amendment rights
    • Religious freedom
    • Access to a law library, courts, and lawyers
  • Provide an innovative solution (for any one of these issues) to resolve the problem.

For more information on prisoners’ rights, visit:
