week5 assign –apply


Assignment Content

  1. In Wk 2, you completed a SWOT analysis on a successful company that demonstrated a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Now, you will shift your focus to look at a company that is failing or experiencing challenges in the area of financial performance.

    Select and research a company that is having financial difficulties or is on the brink of bankruptcy.

    Review from Investopedia.

    You can also access specific information about a variety of businesses in the by searching the following databases:

    • University Library > Databases > B > Business Source Complete
    • University Library > Databases > E > EDGAR
    • University Library > Databases > P > Plunkett Research Online
    • Conduct a strategic analysis of the companys current financial operations. Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.

      Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis. When writing your analysis, complete the following:

    • Evaluate the companys current financial plan, including charts and/or graphs showing financial data from the struggling company, and make recommendations for improvement.
    • Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
    • Create a plan to implement the strategies you selected.
    • Include APA-formatted, in-text citations, and a reference page with at least 3 sources.

      Rubric: Also – Published in the Announcements!!!
      Week#5 Rubric Implementation Plans
      COMPANY in DIRE Straits –
      Criteria Individual Assessment –
      1. Evaluation of the companys current financial plan and recommendations for improvement – 30% of total grade = 30 points
      2. Strategies for achieving sustainable competitive advantage -30% of total grade = 30 points
      3. Plan to implement the selected strategies – 30% of total grade = 30 points
      4. Mechanics & grammar – 5% of total grade = 5 points (Syntax)
      5. Information literacy – 5% of total grade (References) = 5 points (reference sources)
      TOTAL POINTS = 100 points TOTAL POINTS   /100 points