What do you understand by SWOT. Using SWOT analysis describe the Strength Weakness Opportunities and threat of company which you know closely. Discuss most important factors for successful E-Commerce site designing.What is good E-Commerce security ? Discuss three key points of vulnerability in ecommerce environment.E-COMMERCEECOM101 – ASSIGNMENT – 2Assignment-2 submission date End of 6th Week1. What do you understand by SWOT. Using SWOT analysis describe the Strength Weakness Opportunities and threat of company which you know closely.Please use the diagram as well as references.2. Discuss most important factors for successful E-Commerce site designing.3. What is good E-Commerce security ? Discuss three key points of vulnerability inecommerce environment.Submission Instructions1. Answer the questions in your own words.2. Engaging in plagiarism more than 30% may be graded zero marks in herassignment or course. Therefore it is advised to check plagiarism match beforesubmission.3. Submit the assignment latest by the end of week-6.4. Late assignment will not be accepted and will be graded zero.