What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today?

 : Topic 2 DQ 1

Family is defined as 2 or more persons. There are different structures of families. The traditional family contains parents and children. Single parent family is one parent raising a child or children. The extended family is more than 2 adults with children. A childless family is a couple with no children. The step family is a couple bringing in their children from previous marriages and combining into one. A nontraditional family is of parents that are adolscents and or gay/lesbian couples that adopt. It is important to acknowledge all structural types of families and how the children are raised in those families. A traditional family does not mean the child will be raised best. It is about the bond between guardian and child. In today’s time, we cannot be surprised by what kind of family structure someone is living in. The best way to approach this possibility is to avoid making assumptions by being careful with your language, letting them know that youre welcoming of difference, being open and honest in seeking more knowledge, recognizing when your questions are encouraged or resented, and responding appropriately (everyday feminism, 2020). A family systems theory looks at a certain family structure emotionally. It is important to use the family systems theory to determine if a child of a specific family  has anxiety or any other psych disorders due to their upbringing. It helps an individual to learn to cope or adapt. Family systems therapy is a form of psychotherapy that supports people in resolving conflicts with their family or problems that exist within a family unit (better help, 2021). All members of the family contribute to the dynamic of whether the family is functioning in a healthy or dysfunctional way (better help, 2021). 

everyday feminism (2020). Retrieved from 

better help (2021). Retrieved from https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/therapy/what-is-family-

Respond to the above student’s post using 200-300 words APA format with references supporting with discussions