What Is The Best Dietary Fiber Supplement?

Demetria Glover

November 15, 2021




Choosing a Fiber Supplement for Elderly


Fiber is recognized to help with gastrointestinal complaints such as constipation. The recommended daily fiber is about 21 grams for women 51 and older and 30 grams for men 51 and older. Obtaining fiber through your diet by eating food that are rich in fiber like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds is the best source to getting the recommended daily fiber intake but sometimes we need a supplement to reach the daily fiber intake. Comment by Black, Jazmin: You could also discuss here other benefits of fiber so readers know there are benefits beyond constipation Comment by Black, Jazmin: A textbox with high fiber foods and how many grams of fiber they have would be great to include here. That way the readers can conceptualize how much of certain foods they need to eat


Fiber supplements are available as soluble or insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, forming a gel-like consistency that are more fermented and may cause gas. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water moving through the digestive system largely intact bulking the stool. Fiber supplements can contain one or both soluble and insoluble forms to aid in constipation or improve digestion. Comment by Black, Jazmin: I think you should talk about what types of fiber are good for the various types


Choosing a fiber supplement depends mainly on preference and main reason for adding the supplement with the guidance of your health care provider or pharmacist. Comment by Black, Jazmin: It’s also important to include any precautions patients should take in terms of medical conditions and common drug interactions and if medications need to be spaced out from fiber supplements


Constipation Comment by Black, Jazmin: I would arrange the specific types of laxatives under each heading to make it easier for the reads to differentiate. You could also put the types of fiber supplements that are good for the various indications under the headers




Fiber Supplement

Choosing a fiber supplement depends mainly on preference and main reason for adding the supplement with the guidance of your health care provider or pharmacist. FiberCon (calcium polycarbophil) and Benefiber (wheat dextrin) are both soluble fibers. FiberCon is a bulk-forming laxative that increases the amount of water in your stools to help make them softer and easier to pass. It is used to treat constipation and help maintain regular bowel movements. It is available in tablet and chewable tablet. Benefiber contains natural fiber and is indicated as a dietary fiber supplement but not an effective laxative. The wheat dextrin is fermented in the intestinal tract causing it to lose its water-holding capability. It is available in bulk powder, powder packets, oral and chewable tablets. It is a non-thickening powder. Citrucel (methylcellulose) is insoluble fiber that is nonfermented less likely contributing to bloating nor gas. It also is a bulk-forming laxative that increases the amount of water in your stools to help make them soft and easier to pass. It is used to treat constipation and to help maintain regular bowel movements. It is available in powder, powder packets and tablets. Metamucil (psyllium) is a bulk-forming fiber supplement rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber and is used to treat occasional constipation or bowel irregularity. It is not fermented and becomes a viscous, gel-like consistency allowing it to hold water in the stool which provides a hydrated, bulky stool that can be excreted more easily. It is available in bulk powder, powder packets and oral capsules. Comment by Black, Jazmin: I think bullets with the names of the fiber supplements bolded followed by the pertinent information would be more reader-friendly

Before taking a fiber supplement, you want to make sure that it does not cause any issues with your other medications by consulting with your health care provider or local pharmacist. Fiber supplements may cause abdominal bloating, cramping and gas so choosing the right supplement for your needs is best if you cannot obtain through the foods that are rich in fiber. Comment by Black, Jazmin: Missing references