What is the Effect of Maternal Stress During Pregnancy on the Cognitive Development of Children?

I need a 10 page paper (without counting the reference and title page) on the following subject: What is the Effect of Maternal Stress During Pregnancy on the Cognitive Development of Children?

I attached a sample of the method section, results and discussion. 

The method section will include three sections: Participants, Measures, and Procedure.  If proposing survey research, you must select reliable/valid measures and these measures must be attached to your submission.  Resources for locating measures will be available in the course and you may also contact your instructor for guidance.  If proposing an experiment, a detailed research protocol should be included. 

The project results section should include a description of which statistics you will use to test your hypothesis.  The discussion section should include possible outcomes as well as possible limitations that you might encounter.  

The final paper will include all sections of the paper including the title page, abstract, literature review with hypothesis, method section, project results, discussion, references, IRB application, and any measures that you plan to include.  The final proposal should include application of the core value- Respect. 

The literature review is already done and I have attached that as well. 

I will do the IRB application.