What is universal basic income?

Will have to write an argumentative essay that uses evidence to support your position while refuting a counterargument.
You’ve seen a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Xv_9vSDE8), another video (https://www.ted.com/talks/kalle_moene_universal_basic_share_beyond_basic_income?language=en), and read an article (https://www.forbes.com/sites/marcoannunziata/2018/07/27/universal-basic-income-a-universally-bad-idea/?sh=65ef8ef73269) .  Use that content to help support your opinion.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization, including …
* an introduction that states the topic, necessary background and an argumentative thesis statement
* several body paragraphs that build an argument in support of the thesis
* one body paragraph that explains and refutes a counterargument
* a conclusion that restates the thesis and has a final comment/prediction/call to action

    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Idea Development, including …
* a thesis that is a clear statement of opinion with a controlling idea(s)
* sufficient support for the argument, with each point (reason) explained clearly and supported with valid evidence
* sufficient support for the refutation of the counterarguments, explaining its weaknesses

    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Sentence Fluency, including
* range of simple, compound, complex, and cc sentence types

    This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Overall Accuracy, including …
* accurate use of verb tenses, word forms and punctuation
* words are spelled correctly
* problems with grammar and usage are not serious enough to distort meaning or show misunderstanding of key grammatical concepts essential to an 800-level student