How do the variables c and d affect the asymptotes? Which transformation rules were applied?
In the graph below I changed the C=6 and kept D=-.2 / A=-3.6 / B=3.3
The asymptotes shifted down as a result to increasing C. Also, the transformation flipped.
In the graph below I changed the D=6 and kept C=-1 / A=-3.6 / B=3.3
The asymptotes shifted to the right as a result to increasing D. Also, the transformation did flip.
How do the variables a and b affect the asymptotes? Which transformation rules were applied?
In the graph below I changed the A=6 and kept C=-.1 / D=-.2 / B=3.3
The asymptotes shifted down as a result to increasing a. Also, the transformation did not flip.
In the graph below I changed the B=8 and kept C=-1 / D=-.2 / A=-3.6
The lines graphed here widened as a result to the increase in B.
In your opinion, which transformation do you believe is less complicated or easier to understand? Provide justification for your response.
I believe the x=-D/C is the easiest for me to understand with adjusting the Variables (D, C). For instance, when I changed D=6 the equation for the X coordinate was because, 6/1=6.