What would you do??


For this question, assume you are the new president of a community college. A member of the elected board of trustees has approached you after you have signed a contract but before your official start date. The trustee informs you that your vice president of academic affairs should be fired immediately. You have already discovered that internal and external sources see this trustee as a bully of other trustees and college employees. While this trustee is known to be unpopular, your predecessor had, for the most part, complied with the requests from this board member. Apparently, according to credible sources, the ethics of this board member was questionable.

In your post, address the following:

  • How would you handle this situation?
  • How would you approach the board member?
  • How would you handle the situation with other board members?
  • Would you discuss the issue with the identified vice president? If so, why? If not, why not?

Reminder: Length does not equal strength. Effective posts are brief and to the point. Consider your post to be an executive brief and keep it under 600 words, if possible.