White Paper Instructions

Students will create a formal document that explains an organizational response to a particular sport industry issue. More specifically, students will identify one area/level of sport participation that has been studied this term-youth sports/amateur sports in the community. Next, the student will select a governance issue or problem within the level of participation for which they are interested. /

For example, the student might select issues related to fundraising within youth sports (Hum & MacLean, page 135). The body of the white paper will offer positions/reactions/solutions for the issue selected.  Students will need to create multiple arguments to support their chosen position/reaction/solution. Based on the information and outline provided in this document, as well as the sample White Paper provided, students will write a White Paper based on the following criteria:  

Your paper must be completed based on the following criteria: 

6 full pages in the body of your paper plus a title page, table of contents and reference page (minimum of 9 total pages);

1-inch margins;


12-point, Times New Roman font;

4 scholarly resources; and

1 biblical passage.

You must include the reference information for each source in correct current APA format on a separate page