Who is able to complete this assignment?

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapter 13: Global Marketing Communications Decisions I, Chapter 14: Global Marketing Communications Decisions II, and Chapter 15: Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution. This assignment will be incorporated into your Week 6 Final Paper. 

Part 1: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies (IMC)

This assignment will be incorporated into your Week 6 Final Paper. The purpose of this part is to analyze an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) campaign of the mentor company you selected in week 2 assignment (labeled below as global marketing plan). 

First, the paper must have an Abstract (half a page on its OWN page…Keep in mind that the abstract tells the reader what will be found in the paper) and an executive summary (half a page…he executive summary is a sort of sales pitch that covers the highlight of the marketing plan.), just like the paper attached below does. All sections must be bolded like the paper attached is. THE paper Must have a few pictures in the paper. You can use scholarly sources or information from the paper attached to make this assignment as it is suppose to build to a big assignment.


  • Identify an IMC campaign for your mentor company (My company is in the paper attached, just expand on it).
  • Choose  at least four examples of that campaign across different types of media (e.g., TV, print advertising, digital ads, Outdoor ads, social media ads, etc.). Remember to choose at least one print and one digital. Provide a copy of the image you find or the URL link to the ad in your paper. Hint: To find ads, search the web, moat.com, or major advertising publications such as Adweek, for articles about your brands ad campaign. Searching your companys YouTube channel, Twitter account, FaceBook Page, or other social media platforms for recurring ad messages would be helpful too. Pay attention to find unified ads across various media.
    • Analyze the ad in each medium while describing how the mediums unique characteristics is being used to display the ad.
    • Explain what elements unify the campaign across different media to make it count as an IMC.
  • Once you completed the previous steps, then identify another marketing communication activity from your mentor company other than advertising (such as sales promotion, sponsorship, product placement, personal selling, direct marketing, etc.) all of which were outlined in the reading.
    • Describe it in details and provide a link to a visual component of the activity.
    • Compare it to the IMC campaign you identifiedand discuss to what extent they are aligned and would tell the same story for the brand. Also,discuss one strength and one weakness of this marketing communication activity.

Part 2: Global Brands, Cultures and Advertisement 

  • Select two advertisements for the same product and from the same medium but targeted for a different country (e.g., a magazine ad for Pepsi in the US and in China, both from same campaign Or a digital ad banner for Colgate toothpaste in the UK and in Saudi Arabia). Include a copy of those advertisements in your work and provide a brief explanation of the ads.
  • Examine how these advertisements reflect the two cultures.
  • Discuss your position in the standardized vs. localized debate.
  • Explain what kind of appeal is used for the ads and if you would choose a different appeal for it. Provide your rationale.

Hint: To find ads, search the web, moat.com, or major advertising publications such as Adweek, for articles about your brands ad campaign. Searching your companys YouTube channel, Twitter account, or other social media platforms for recurring ad messages would be helpful too. **add this to the paper**Pictures would be great/ads,etc. as they are needed***

The Integrated Marketing Communications assignment

  • Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Centers resource. Remember the abstract has its own page.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of assignment
    • Students name (Markis’ Edwards)
    • Course name and number 
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text. The course text is cited in my paper attached below too. You can use some of the quoted work too. Keegan, W. J., & Green, M. C. (2020). (10th ed.). Retrieved from  
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style.**very important**