Why is college Important

For this assignment, you will write a 2 page inquiry and narrative essay about your chosen topic. Please continue to practice MLA format (Links to an external site.) for this assignment and submit your review as a Word Document.

Purpose: Here, you are asked to identify a topic of interest to you and connect to the topic through personal narrative and questions. The Inquiry assignment initiates the process of thinking about your chosen topic and issue.

Remember, this assignment asks you to identify the topic youd like to pursue for the next two assignments (this essay and the upcoming Digital Forum) and begin your exploration through personal narrative. The goal of the assignment is to present and personally connect to this topic to enhance your ethos and pinpoint a guiding and critical question that you feel invested citizens should ask about the topic. Key to this project is the idea that you are not just inquiring for your own sake. Rather, you are using this assignment to encourage an audience of your choice to invest themselves in this issue and to explore it with you. That is, you need to make it clear that this issue has exigence/importance: understanding your chosen topic is important and asking questions about it is a worthwhile endeavor.

Audience: You will identify a primary audience for this project. Me and your classmates have been (and will continue to be) secondary audience members for this work. Here, though, you want to select a specific primary audience you are targeting beyond the classroom. When you do, remember the genre of the essay: you are writing an academic narrative and posing questions within your essay. However, this genre should not be seen as limiting. Academics are not the only people who read academic essays, and academic essays are often found in widely read publications. Thus, you should think of your audience as an interested group who expects to encounter a thoughtful, informed, and engaging narrative. You may choose to write to readers who have never encountered the issue youre engaging, or you may write to readers who have preconceived ideas about the issue under discussion. Whatever audience you choose, you want to think about how your inquiry addresses their understandings and concerns.

Format: While following MLA format (Links to an external site.), please include your chosen audience under the date in the upper left-hand corner. Remember to choose a legitimate and specific audience that would be interested in your topic.