Why is Sherry Turkle, a psychology professor from MIT, so worried that we forgot, and that we don’t even care that we forgot, about an enormous difference between “conversation” and “connection”:

Why is Sherry Turkle, a psychology professor from MIT, so worried that we forgot, and that we don’t even care that we forgot, about an enormous difference between “conversation” and “connection”: “We have confused conversation with connection and collectively seem to have embraced a new kind of delusion that accepts the simulation of compassion as sufficient unto the day” (3)?

Hints: Think why author is worried that we stopped caring about the difference between conversation and connection, between real empathy/compassion and simulated “fake” caring, between real and superficial kindness, and why we started to prefer electronic devices, computer psychiatry, and sociable robots to conversations with real people. Sherry Turkle talks about a grieving old woman comforted by a robotic baby seal, about teens who learn about dating from a database and who do not know how to have a conversation, about Siri as one’s best friend, about loneliness vs. being alone, etc. She worries that as humanity we stop caring for one another and forget how to feel each other’s pain. 

1.Support your answer with at least 1 meaningful quotation from the article.  

2. Your reply should be 1/2 page or longer.