Why the United States Should Teach Foreign Language

Persuasive speech

Time limit:  6-8 minutes

Goal:  Establish and support a persuasive claim


A persuasive speech works to influence the audiences attitudes, behavior or beliefs.

I will be looking for the same structural qualities expected in your last speech:

–        clear introduction/conclusion

–        clear, well organized main points

–        quality supporting material

–        citing sources

In addition I will be evaluating the quality of your persuasive tactics:

–        The validity of your arguments and conclusion.

–        The quality of the evidence you provide to support your claim.

–        The inclusion of ethos, pathos logos.

–        The strength of the evidence you provide.

–        Your direct communication with the audience it is hard to be persuaded by someone reading to you.

Bibliography must include minimum of 3 sources that are cited verbally within context of speech.  You may need more sources for a speech of this length.

Be sure to show your audience on your recording without a break.  The audience must have a minimum of 5 live members.

Upload the speech to YouTube email me the url and make sure it is off of private.