Why Union Contracts Happen


Purpose: Labor relations define the interactions between management and unionized employees. The Human Resources Department is responsible for the management side of labor relations. Even though many companies do not have a union, in the hospitality industry, many employers do. The collective bargaining process is the negotiation process resulting in a contract, or Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The CBA identifies all of the employment conditions, much like an employee handbook. maintains the responsibility of ensuring the organization complies with the numerous laws. The purpose of this assignment is to consider how management, despite its efforts to keep unions out, end up with a CBA.

  • Skills: As a result of completing this assignment, you will practice written communication and critical thinking.
  • Knowledge: Students will gain knowledge of why unions find a way to bring a contract to a business.

Task: In order to complete this assignment you will execute the following.

  1. After reviewing the material in the chapter, why do you think a non-union company ends up having a union come in? In other words, it seems easy to keep the union out, so why (or how) does a company end up with a contract?

– 300 words