Wk 1, ORG 535: DR 1

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Jess Masem

10:14 AM

I would believe Relationship Management is my strongest area. I am a Key Account Manager, and I build relationships with people in production, shipping, engineering, and finance. Having relationships with these folks helps me perform my job at a more competent level. Frankly, it makes my job much easier, in my experience, people who tend to like you, know you on some personal level, will work harder for you, and they will work harder to assist you with things. Building relationships with the people you work with, not only makes the job pleasant, it makes your job easier. On the other side, I know I work harder to help the people I know and whom I have personal connections.

Consultations, is something I could probably improve on. I do not like confrontation, and generally avoid it unless necessary. In the business world, and especially in HRM, I imagine this is necessary more often. However, it is not my favorite thing to coach people, or point out things they are doing subpar. I would like to improve on this, learn how to separate emotion and logic when this need arises.

I believe the only way to improve on something is to practice, and maybe shadow others. I know in the experiences I have, where I have shadowed others, the key is to leave emotion out of it, if coaching, bring facts. Explain the situation very matter of fact like. The experience that may assist me would be performing this act more often when necessary.