Wk 5 Assignment – Apply: Caution and Risk


Assignment Content

  1. Review the checklist of 48 items in Appendix D Guidelines for Evaluating a New Products Program of New Products Management (SEE ATTACHMENT). The appendix can be found in this week’s Required Learning Activities folder.

    Select 3 to 5 items from the list.

    Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes or audio.

    Include the following in the presentation:


  • An introduction slide
  • Justification for the importance of your selected 3 to 5 items
  • Explanation of why you think these items may or may not be followed
  • Examples from your class discussions and previous assignments, your personal experience, research, and the textbook
  • A conclusion slide
  • A references/citations slide
  • APA Style