Wk 5 – Practice: Pareto Charts


Assignment Content

  1. There are several tools and techniques featured in the textbook that are used for quality control in IT projects. A Pareto chart is a type of histogram that can be used to define quality problems in a system. It allows you to see what areas need improvement.

    Create a Pareto chart based on the information below. Use the . You can also do the math and create the graph in Excel, but people who do get it wrong more often than the ones who use the template. List the most frequent customer problems first. On the graph, it should be the tallest bar first, then the next largest, and so on. The second item in the graph, after the bars, is the cumulative line and it should always go up from left to right, all the way to 100%. If you see a dip in the line, your problems are not listed in the correct order. Check your entries so your resulting chart looks like the one in Figure 8-7 in the textbook.

    Customer Complaints; Frequency/Week
    Customer is on hold too long; 90
    Customer gets transferred to wrong area or cut off; 20
    Service rep cannot answer customers questions; 120
    Service rep does not follow through as promised; 40

    Submit your chart.

  2. PS.  Note from me- Luis.   Google “Excel Pareto chart”