Wk 6, MHA 505: DR 1

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Makayla Eason

11:09 AM

In systems thinking a leverage point is a place in a systems structure where a solution element can be applied (“Leverage Point”, 2021). I think the most needed leverage point in the US health care system is self-organization- The power to add, change, or evolve system structure. Being able to evolve and adapt to change is one of the most remarkable features of healthcare, without the ability to change and self-organize health care wouldnt be what it is today. Hospitals must be organized to operate properly, schedules have to be created to keep flow and structure and new / innovative ideas improve patient outcomes.

Health is ever evolving, changes have been noticeably made in wellness, patient centeredness and coordination of care.

Wellness- Organizations have placed strong emphasis on wellness to ensure patients get well and stay well.

Patient Centeredness- Organizations are putting patients at the center of everything they do by increasing access to care, cutting down wait times, and evaluating the risk to further improve patient safety and satisfaction.  (“3 Ways Healthcare Is Evolving”, 2021).

Without organization and change I dont think healthcare could function; it is a crucial part to providing care for patients. 

3 Ways Healthcare is Evolving (2021).  

Leverage Point (2021).