
NOTE: **** post answers in separate documents for each Question

      **** Please follow the instructions to the point and pick relavant topics according to the subject

      **** Follow APA7 format

Subject: Analyzing & Visualizing Data

Question 1: Write a 300+ word essay (APA format & 2 latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

Developing Your Design Solutions covered Data Representation, Interactivity, Annotation, Color and Composition

Select 2 chart type options from the gallery of visuals presented in Chapter 3 excluding 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, and 3.12 since these are not charts. 

These figures are in the text and on the companion site. 

Book companion site: http://book.visualisingdata.com/

 ***DO not use a previously used/selected chart type from any previous assignment**

Provide your perspective on the tasks/actions and objectives that would be applicable for each item under our Design Solution considerations: Data Representation, Interactivity, Annotation, Color and Composition.   

***Example Only***:

Figure 3.99: Migration Pattern Of Hummingbirds

Design Solution:

  1.Data Representation: The data presented is only a portion of the scope that could be used which is

  2.Interactivity: Adding interactivity to hover over a location to gather more detailed information would be helpful

  3.Annotation: There should be more information provided about the intent of the bars, circles, colors, icons used

  4.Color: The use of color appears to be almost perfect, but an option could be if the viewer was color-blind to present in gray scale

  5.Composition: The size of the chart could have been increased along with the following additions.. 

Reference (Attached): Kirk, Andy. Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (p. 50). SAGE Publications.