WK16 08172021

NOTE: **** post answers in separate documents for each Question

      **** Please follow the instructions to the point and pick relavant topics according to the subject

      **** Follow APA7 format

Subject: Introduction to Data mining 

Question 1: 300+ words (APA format & latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

Explain the term “Analytical Characterization” and how it used on Data Mining?

Question 2: 3+ pages (APA format & latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

For details refer attached doc ‘Portfolio Project Paper_Info.docx’

Subject: Security Architecture and Design 

Question 3: Write a 600+ words (APA format & latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

Review a Security Breach which occurred over the past year and present a research paper providing the answers for the below questions: 

Describe the incident

Provide Specifics about the incident.

What data or information was impacted?

Describe threat modeling techniques which could have assisted in the mitigation of breach.

How can the organization be better postured for future attacks?