
1.  General topic for reflection paper is Euthanasia (define all types) – do not just focus on the Death with Dignity Act make sure you cover Euthanasia in general as well

        You must use this template(attached below) and fill it in as your assignment  found in doc sharing – it will guide you and make sure you got all the information required for full credit. :

(THIS TEMPLATE WILL BE USED FOR ALL SCENARIO REFLECTIONS You must use this as your submission to get full credit and you MUST use one of the 6 acceptable ethical theories to back up your stance – they are listed in Week 1 announcement and recording and ppt)  

2.  Complete a Paper Topic (it must be a currently two-sided debate with valid points on each side in order to be accepted as a topic, in other words, if you can’t find any information on the other side – if there are no valid pro/con arguments than you cannot do it on that topic). Additionally, I am not accepting papers on abortion or euthanasia even though those would be acceptable, I want you thinking outside the box here. 

Select a topic related to medical ethics  below are some you can consider, this is not the entire list:

  • Eugenics and Human Genetics
  • Medical Research (Human or Animal)
  • Organ Donation (Make sure you are have both sides – who is against it and why)
  • Travel Tourism and Transplantation
  • Public Health Issues
  • Access to Health Care
  • Biotechnology
  • Designer Babies
  • Stem cell Research

In a Word document, state your medical ethics issue (for instance, if you choose to write about Euthanasia(which you can’t), the medical issue might be physician-assisted suicide), and write a paragraph explaining why you have chosen this medical ethics issue to research.