

  • Consider the ethical decision-making framework outlined in this weeks resources, including Figure 1.1 on page 439 of Kirst-Ashman and Hull. 
  •  As technology advances, so do the ways that social workers can connect with clients. Is it acceptable to look at a clients activities on social media or seek information through an internet search? Should a social worker allow clients to contact them by text or e-mail? How does a social workers personal social media presence influence the worker/client relationship?  

Post a response to the following:

  • Describe a specific ethical dilemma based on the above.
  • Describe the ethical issues posed.
    • Identify specific values or ethical standards that apply.
  • Identify who is likely to be affected by the ethical dilemma.
  • Describe potential courses of action.
  • Examine reasons in favor of or opposed to the course of action.