
CLA2 requires to analyze the Learning objectives of this course for the last seven weeks.

Please make sure to provide the detailed explanations and arguments by answering the

following questions. Your argument(s) must be justified by providing the eight (8) peer-

reviewed sources as a support.

How would you describe the organization of your companys top management team?

Is some decision making decentralized and delegated to individual managers? If so,

explain how the decentralization works. Or are decisions made more by consensus,

with all co-managers having input?

What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of the decision-making

approach your company is employing?

What theories of motivation are employed by the company?


This is a paper( 5 pages), need 8 references. Also need to choose a company (for example Google, Apple Ikea and etc) to discuss. 

APA7 format 


here is an example see if is helpful for you (but you can use the same company)

For my CLA 2, I will be analyzing the athletic apparel retailer Lululemon. Below are some of the high level points that I will be covering in my presentation and final paper.

Organizational Structure and Top Management Team
I will discuss how the company is organized and how information flows throughout the company. In fact, the companys management structure and delegation of workflows serves as the companys operations and serves as a main driver for the companys competitive advantage.

Decentralized Management vs Micromanagement
In this section I will discuss some of the key advantages and disadvantages of these strategic approaches. Also, will give some of the examples from Lululemons operations that involves a lot of inputs from various departments within the company. In fact, having the right approach, which depends on the industry structure and the companys culture, is key to the companys success

SWOT Analysis
In order to better understand the industry attractiveness and the companys profitability, it is important to understand its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In fact, as the novel COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world, the retail industry has been transforming a lot. Thus, it is important to reevaluate these aspects from time to time in order to keep up with new competition and external driving factors.