WLAC MGM001 Week 3 exam 1

This exam contains 50 questions that are pulled randomly from the various chapters indicated. You will have 2 hours (120 minutes) to complete this assignment. You cannot close and finish later once you begin the assignment. Part 1 of 1 Chapters 1-6 Score: 43 (of possible 50 points) Question 1 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Expatriates are individuals who live and work in their domestic countries. True False Question 2 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) With a population growth rate seven times greater than that of any other group __________ passed African Americans in 2003 to become the country’s largest minority. A. Hispanic Americans B. Asians Americans C. Arabs Americans D. Polish Americans Question 3 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Analyzers are frequently unable to respond quickly to perceived changes in the environment. True False Question 4 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Geert Hofstede surveyed a large group of IBM employees to determine the various cultural dimensions that exist around the world. True False Question 5 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) A self-centered and status-conscious person who tends to save face and stir conflict is considered __________. A. team-oriented B. participative C. humane-oriented D. self-protective Question 6 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The general environment of management includes a(n)__________ A. social dimension B. technological dimension C. political-legal dimension D. all of the above Question 7 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Managers with an ethnocentric attitude are home-country-oriented. True False Question 8 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Tacit knowledge is personal intuitive and undocumented information. True False Question 9 of 50 Score: 0 (of possible 1 point) Managerial skills are considered general administrative duties that need to be carried out in order for a company to be successful. True False Question 10 of 50 Score: 0 (of possible 1 point) Women occupy 25% of the managerial and professional positions in the U.S. workforce True False Question 11 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) A non-programmed decision is repetitive and routine. True False Question 12 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The 80/10/10 rule asserts that a minority of causes inputs or efforts tend to produce a majority of results outputs or rewards. True False Question 13 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) __________ is defined as all the tools and ideas available for extending the natural physical and mental reach of humankind. A. Technology B. Operation C. Behavior D. Empowerment Question 14 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Making a profit is considered one type of social responsibility. True False Question 15 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) A defender response to uncertainty can be successful as long as its primary technology and narrow product line remain competitive. True False Question 16 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The tendency to evaluate positively presented information favorably and negatively presented information unfavorably is __________. A. framing error B. cultural error C. stereotyping D. halo effect Question 17 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) _____________ is defined as feelings of anxiety self-doubt and isolation brought about by a mismatch between expectations and reality. A. Culture shock B. Reality check C. Marketing myopia D. Self-efficacy Question 18 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The _____________ implies that consequences cannot always be predicted in companies. A. differentiation strategy B. empowerment syndrome C. cost leadership focus D. law of unintended consequence Question 19 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) A business following a(n) ____________ will deny responsibility while striving to maintain the status quo. A. reactive social responsibility strategy B. defensive social responsibility strategy C. accommodative social responsibility strategy D. proactive social responsibility strategy Question 20 of 50 Score: 0 (of possible 1 point) If one remains faithful to the classical economic model then all companies should be involved in activities that support corporate social responsibility. True False Question 21 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) One recent study found that all of the following issues except ________ were workplace hot spots that triggered unethical conduct. A. balancing work and family B. poor leadership C. job enrichment D. company politics Question 22 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) ____________ occurs when a buyer perceives unique and superior value in a product. A. Differentiation B. Cost leadership C. Cost focus D. Focused differentiation Question 23 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Decision making complexity is greatly increased when technical specialists are consulted before making a decision. True False Question 24 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The key areas of the changing environment that influence the achievement of organizational objectives include all of the following except: A. working with and through others B. balancing effectiveness and efficiency C. management of the personnel and sales offices D. getting the most out of limited resources Question 25 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Many workers claim that the existence of ambiguous rules is the common rationale for breaking the rules. True False Question 26 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Local warehousing and selling involves producing goods in one country and then shipping these goods to a parent company’s storage and marketing facilities located in one or more foreign countries. True False Question 27 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Offshoring is a controversial practice that involves: A. laying off workers haphazardly B. adopting total quality management practices C. using objectives to motivate workers D. sending internal jobs to low-wage nations Question 28 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Framing involves attaching a label to information so that judgment is influenced. True False Question 29 of 50 Score: 0 (of possible 1 point) Recent changes in the political and legal arena have made it increasingly easy for managers to take refuge in bureaucratic shadows when the law is broken. True False Question 30 of 50 Score: 0 (of possible 1 point) One limitation of MBO is that the process forces an organization to develop a top-to-bottom hierarchy of objectives. True False Question 31 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) An e-business is a company that seeks efficiencies via the Internet in all basic functions such as production and marketing. True False Question 32 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The first step to sound organizational decision making is __________. A. monitor results B. follow existing decision rules C. assessment of routine decision making D. scan internal and external situation Question 33 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Corporate philanthropy usually involves donations given to suppliers so that product quality increases. True False Question 34 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Managers who are considered ethically lazy are referred to as __________. A. immoral managers B. moral managers C. altruistic managers D. amoral managers Question 35 of 50 Score: 0 (of possible 1 point) One of the myths about small businesses discussed in the textbook includes: A. low-wage-jobs myth B. poor-financing myth C. sexual-harassment myth D. 50-percent-failure myth Question 36 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Research suggests that managers often derail strategies if they do not support individual self-interests. True False Question 37 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Which one of the following activities is not considered a basic managerial function? A. Counseling B. Planning C. Leading D. Organizing Question 38 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) A good education and marketing skills are the best insurance against having your job outsourced to a foreign country. True False Question 39 of 50 Score: 0 (of possible 1 point) Most every organization has a mission statement that guides decision making and conduct. True False Question 40 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The pace of decision making in today’s business climate has fortunately decelerated due to advances in technology. True False Question 41 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The most vigorous growth in the aging population will be in what age group? A. 21-29 group B. 31-39 group C. 40-49 group D. 55-and-older group Question 42 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) International management involves _________. A. pursuing organizational objectives in international and cross-cultural settings B. incorporating technology into the workplace requiring employees C. to set goals for their work D. none of the above Question 43 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) ___________ entails promptly achieving a company objective. A. Effectiveness B. Efficiency C. Empowerment D. Myopia Question 44 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) It is more important for managers to be good administrators rather than to be good at interacting with other coworkers. True False Question 45 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The innovation process involves the systematic development and practical application of a new idea. True False Question 46 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Cross cultural training can include efforts to build relationships and manage stress. True False Question 47 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) A code of ethics is typically an unpublished statement of moral expectations for employee conduct. True False Question 48 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The process of identifying and choosing among alternative courses of action in a manner appropriate to the demands of the situation is called __________. A. decision making B. empowerment C. TQM D. MBO Question 49 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) The_________ is an invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing through an organization’s ranks. A. glass ceiling B. resistance effect C. hierarchical phenomena D. bias syndrome Question 50 of 50 Score: 1 (of possible 1 point) Controlling is the comparing of actual performance with prior plans and then taking necessary action. True False