1. Open and print the “Week 6 Assignment”.

2. The assignment has four parts: A, B, C, and D.
(Part A has been created for use of the Access program where the data source recipients are to be created. However, if you do not have the Access program then you will need to create the data source recipients with the Excel program before you begin keying the letters for the mail merge. Also, If you are using Excel then be certain to create the label headers in each column with the data source recipient information beneath the headers. Whether you use Access or Excel you MUST save the data source in the Week 6 folder in which you will upload. If you do not save the data source recipients in the folder then I am not able to grade your assignment.)

3. Create a folder:  [your last name]-Week6 (be sure to save to a disk device/hard drive NOT the desktop area.)

5. Complete the assignment as instructed and Save all work in [your last name]-Week6 folder.

6. Zip the folder and upload in the Week 6 Assignment Upload. DO NOT ATTACH THE FOLDER TO EMAIL, IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. I will review the assignment and send you comments about the graded work.