work 8

  1. Complete a critical appraisal of your three research articles and place on the discussion board.
  2. Include each of your references in 7th Ed. APA format (minimum of 3). 

NOTE: This assignment should provide a BRIEF summary (~1 paragraph per article) of the 3 research studies you found that support & help to answer your PICO(T) question.  Include: 

  • Type of study (quantitative, qualitative, type of design w/in those categories) & # of participants 
  • The purpose of the study
  • A few sentences about how the study was conducted
  • A brief summary of the study results and recommendations

*And don’t forget to include your references!! 

**Think of this as an outline of what you’re going to be expanding upon in the “Appraisal of the Evidence” section of your paper**

The goal is to be sure you’ve nailed down 3 solid research studies that support your PICO(T) question when you get to the chunkiest part of your paper draft that’s due soon!