Working with Data using RStudio


Data Visualizing with RStudio

Background: As we have learned, a lot of thought goes into the design of a visualization. In this examination of your data and its visualization, we review how data types influence the choice of graphing – see “Selecting a Graph” hand-out (in this folder).

Provide screen shots that shows graphs and charts of your dataset (Do NOT use ggplot2 or other R package features – we will learn and use these advance R features in another lesson) For each screen shot, please show comment lines that describes what the next line(s) of code is to achieve, the code in proper syntax for R, and the computed results that R produces.

Visualizing your data:

Review Kirk chapter 4 and Res Wknd slide hand-outs to learn the data type requirements for each graph type. 

Also use this  R Tutorial page:   for reference on RStudio commands for creating graphs and charts.

Use RStudio to create graphs and charts – create screen shots and then paste to your MS word document showing visuals of your dataset. Use c ommands (piebarplothist, boxplot, plot).

 Box Plot:

  • Create a box plot that shows a measure of the distribution  of values across chosen fields/columns of your dataset – use same previous fields/columns. First, create a vector (v) that has values for values of each field/column. then use function   boxplot   (v). (provide as screen shot #8)
  • Label the x and y axis as (same as previous histogram). Use function   boxplot   (v, xlab =, ylab =,    (provide also as screen shot #8)
  • Title the box plot as ( a name you choose).  Use function boxplot (v, main=, xlab =, ylab =,  (provide also as screen shot #8)
  • Color the box plot any color you wish.  Use function   boxplot  ( v, main=, xlab =, ylab =, col =.    (provide also as screen shot #8)

Scatter Plot:

  • Create a scatter plot  that shows many points of  fields/columns of your dataset plotted in a Cartesian plain – use same previous fields/columns. First, create two variables for fields – for the horizontal coordinate (hw) and vertical (vw) for the vertical coordinate. then use function  p lot   (vw,hw). (provide as screen shot #9).
  • Create a scatter plot of just two of the fields/columns of  your dataset
  • Choose one field/column of your dataset and plot that with a label the x coordinate
  • Add a label to the y axis of this same field/column
  • Add a Titleto  the scatter plot (as you choose)
  • Color the scatter any color you wish (your choice).

These screen shots containing graphs and charts of your data should also be placed in the same MS Word document and labeled as  Part 2 – Dataset Visualizing with RStudio .  
You should have one MS Word document that shows both part 1 and part 2 as this assignment. Your deliverable includes both parts of this assignment; it also includes your cover page in APA style showing