World Religion and Thoughts


Module #2 Reading Questions (50 points) Each student is required to complete reading questions associated with the primary source reading assignments in Module #2. There is a question set for each tradition studied (100 points for each tradition’s set). Students must follow the directions included with the question sets. For full credit, students must submit their assignments by the assignment deadline as properly formatted Word documents. They must answer every question in their own words, AND they must also include a passage from the primary source for each question. Citations must be appropriately formatted, and students must have works cited entries. Students completing the assignment as directed will receive full credit (100 points); students not fulfilling all requirements OR with complete projects that are LATE will receive half credit (50 points), and students failing to submit assignments OR with incomplete, late charges will receive no credit (0 points). The late window for submission is within 48 hours after the assignment deadline. After that time, no credit will be given unless documentation sufficient to warrant accommodation can be supplied