
You have to  use the term worldview, which you were supposed to define. Please review the assignment and make sure you demonstrate your understanding of the concepts we have been studying, including worldview, beliefs, values, informed, inherited, in-flux. I suggest you use the language in the prompt to help frame your essay
and Follow the
Required Components for Essay #1(also on Canvas Assignment Page 3.6)In your essay, do each of the following:a.introducethe concept of worldviewdirectly or indirectlyin any way you find appropriate for your approach to this writing assignment; it may be through definition, analogy, a personal story, or the use of one of the many resources from this module (you may also integrate it into your introduction);b. brieflyidentifyandsummarizethe major beliefs and values of your worldview and their influences (if religion factors into your worldview, do not focus on it only, and please refrain from excessively quoting scripture);c.chooseONE of the major beliefs from b andexpandon it,explaining (aka, narrate the story of)its existence, from origin until now. Include how it is inherited and/or informed and/or in-flux, and the ways in which it does and/or does not manifest in actions you take in your life. If acting more on this belief in the future is something you hope to do, you may include that as well. For example, if I were writing this paper, I might choose my belief that animals are sentient beings and should be treated as such and how I value animal rights as a result. My story begins when I was a child and I would bring home wounded birds to try and save them. When I realized that the chicken my mom served for dinner was also a bird, the s*#^ really hit the fan…d.utilizing what you learned in Chapter 2,findone current issue to brainstorm, related to the major belief/tenet you covered in c.” Once you have brainstormed, do some research and choose one argument, in any genre (from editorial to political cartoon to documentary film, etc.) that represents an “alternative view” from your own (Bean, et al. 38), in other words, one with which you DO NOT AGREE. For that source, do each of the following:1. introduce and explain why you selected it;2. provide the rhetorical context and information about it;3. summarize the source’s content and argument;4. offer your response to the source, including both believing and doubting points;5. discuss how this source contributes to your understanding of the issue, your belief, and your worldview.
English 124-Advanced Composition 2You MUST use only ONE source in this portion of your paper. Using additional sources will weaken your grade.e. finally,evaluateyourself as a critical thinker as a result of what you have written in d, utilizing one or more of the Valuable Intellectual Traits to help illustrate your evaluation. Were you able to be dialectical withthe alternative view?Guidelines:Make sure to comprehensively respond to ALL parts of the task, letters a-e.Use your unique voice to make this an essay only you could have written. Take risks; you get to revise it based on feedback and a grade you willreceive from me. When you revise, you can only improve your grade, not bring it down. In other words, the highest grade will remain.Essay should be a minimum of 6 pages in length, though there is no page limit on this assignment. It is difficult to comprehensively cover all that is asked of you in fewer than 6 pages, but some students have written as many as 18! With that said, more pages do not automatically mean a higher grade, especially if the essay lacks control and focus.Overall, your essay should be cohesive, with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and should not be an individual response to each letter.Be sure to create focused paragraphs and use effective transitions between them.Give your essay a unique title, not My Worldview, or worse, Essay 1.Use MLA format and style, including a Works Cited page, as a minimum of one source is required. If you are rusty on MLA, please visit the MLA page which you can find a link to on our homepage