Write 1-2 page entry answering these questions: APA 7th edition and the class is Spirituality in Counseling Share why you chose to take this course, what you feel is the difference between religion an

Write 1-2 page entry answering these questions: APA 7th edition and the class is Spirituality in Counseling

Share why you chose to take this course, what you feel is the difference between religion and spirituality (without looking in a textbook), and where you feel you could improve personally and professionally in the areas of spirituality and/or religion or spiritual and religious practices.

At this point, where you are today, how effective do you feel you are in having the ability to effectively counsel individuals who present with religious and/or spiritual issues. What is your comfort level? What is your skill level? What are your strengths in this area? What are your weaknesses? Even as it relates to your diversity as well as bias toward other groups and practices.

Finally in your journal, respond to the the Religious and Spiritual Scales you were asked to complete. Do you think the questions included relevant and fair questions as it pertains to religion and spirituality? Which was most comfortable for you to complete? Which was the most challenging and why? I have attached the scales in the file NO PLAGIARISM AND MUST PROVIDE PLAGIARISM REPORT