Write a 2000-word op-ed: analyse Ukraine’s decision to relinquish its status as a nuclear state. What would you have advocated for if you were the decision-maker representing Ukraine’s interests? What

Write a 2000-word op-ed: analyse Ukraine’sdecision to relinquish its status as a nuclear state. What would you haveadvocated for if you were the decision-maker representing Ukraine’sinterests? What policies or actions would you have supported?You may find reviewing the Budapest Memorandum on SecurityAssurances and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weaponshelpful.Please make sure to provide a clear and well-structured argument in yourop-ed, supporting your points with evidence and credible sources. Ensurethat you properly cite your sources and use a consistent and appropriatecitation style throughout the essay. The essay should be 2000 words inlength, excluding references and bibliography.