Write a collection of 3 poems

 Write a collection of 2 poems in the style or styles of any of the poems we’ve read this semester. You will be graded on your use of these elements: imagery, symbolism, figurative language, and the presence of a strong theme. Find your own voice. Find your own style, but use the sample poems to help you come up with ideas. REQS -3 original poems -title for each poem -*reference the poem that it’s after below the title. For Example, “This poem is after ‘Daddy’ by Sylvia Plath” -poems must contain imagery, figurative language, symbols, and have a strong theme -length – similar length as the poems that inspired your poems. 

Other poems 

“Kinky” by Denise Duhamel

“Dear White America” by Danez SmithDear White America by Danez Smith