Write a well-developed logical division four-paragraph essay on ONE of the following topics: How My Online Shopping Has Changed Since COVID19Essay Organizational Tips for Students Example 1: Clear In

Write a well-developed logical division four-paragraph essay on ONE of the following topics:

  1. How My Online Shopping Has Changed Since COVID19

Essay Organizational Tips for Students Example 1: 

Clear Introduction Paragraph with the thesis as the last sentence in the Introduction Paragraph.

Body 1 is a way your online shopping has changed

Body 2 is another way your online shopping has changed

Concluding Paragraph that restates the thesis and has a final comment (prediction, warning, suggestion, or advice)

You can focus on one type of shopping like clothes, household needs, or groceries, or each body paragraph can be a different type. It is usually helpful to do this, and this should clear in your thesis statement and your body paragraph topic sentences. This writing topic is COVID 19 related, so if you do not want to think about COVID19 do not choose this one.

Essay Organizational Tips for Students Example 2: 

Clear Introduction Paragraph with the thesis as the last sentence in the Introduction Paragraph.

Body 1 The way you used to shop on line

Body 2 The way you shop online now

Concluding Paragraph that restates the thesis and has a final comment (prediction, warning, suggestion, or advice)

You can focus on one type of shopping like clothes, household needs, or groceries, or each body paragraph can be a different type. It is usually helpful to do this, and this should clear in your thesis statement and your body paragraph topic sentences. This writing topic is COVID 19 related, so if you do not want to think about COVID19 do not choose this one.

  1. My Favorite Place to Shop Online

Essay Organizational Tips for Students:

Clear Introduction Paragraph with the thesis as the last sentence in the Introduction Paragraph.

Body 1 is one reason you like shopping on this website.

Body 2 is the second reason you like shopping online on this website.

Concluding Paragraph that restates the thesis and has a final comment (prediction, warning, suggestion, or advice)

You can relate this to COVID 19, or you can avoid mentioning COVID 19 Completely and just focus on why you like shopping on this website. This should clear in your thesis statement and your body paragraph topic sentences. 

  1. Why I Prefer Not to Shop Online

Essay Organizational Tips for Students:

Clear Introduction Paragraph with the thesis as the last sentence in the Introduction Paragraph.

Body 1 is one reason you prefer not to shop online. 

Body 2 is the second reason you prefer not to shop online.

Concluding Paragraph that restates the thesis and has a final comment (prediction, warning, suggestion, or advice)

You can relate this to COVID 19, or you can avoid mentioning COVID 19 if you completely and just focus on why you like shopping on this website. This should clear in your thesis statement and your body paragraph topic sentences.