writing assignment



Papers should be written in Word: 12pt, Times New Roman Font, Double-Spaced, and Normal Margins

Number each question in your paper

3 pages in length (total)

1. Interview a professional who works with couples (e.g., priest, pastor, therapist, etc.) or find professional information from the internet.  The interview can be via email, phone, or in person.  The interview should take less than 30 minutes but may go longer if they choose to do so.  Ask the following questions:

Why do couples get married?

How can couples stay married (happily)?

Why do couples get divorced? 

Can you provide some advice for couples who are considering marriage?

2. How do families balance work and family?  Find some articles (news stories, research, etc.) on how busy American families are today.  Include some stats/trends and then turn your focus onto solutions.  Provide realistic/functional solutions.