Writing assignment 7

This writing assignment allows you to apply readings and classroom discussions to your own life, which, for this class, is essential. Communication in theory is important, but applied communication can help you make real changes for yourself and those around you.

The Assignment:

Watch the provided video about the Five Love Languages, take the Five Love Languages quiz, and write an instructional essay in response. Specifically, write an instructional essay to yourself, wherein you list the 5 love languages, identify and explain your own primary love language (based on your highest score), and instruct your future self on how you should advocate for yourself in future (or current) romantic relationships. Use personal examples from your life and information from our class (readings, videos, discussion, and lectures) to explain to the future you how you should adjust your own communication style and preferences to best communicate love to people whose primary love languages are different from yours. Address how you should address all five of the love languages in these instructions.

You can take the quiz at this link:     (opens in new window)

This will require that you develop a clear thesis statement, and support it with research and organized thoughts. Cite the sources that you use to back-up the thesis of your paper in APA style. You should cite the text book (Wood, 2020), resources in this module, and any other research that you do to expand your knowledge on the subject. This includes in-text citations and a References page. 



2. https://youtu.be/rn8EJ0ui4iw