Writing Assignment Instructions

Each student is expected to select and research a relevant healthcare-related issue.  The issue may be related to a discussion topic from your textbook or a current issue that is the subject of a public healthcare debate. 

Research Paper Specifications

The results of your research should be compiled and presented in a typed document.  Papers should adhere to the following:

  • Double-spaced lines
  • Does not exceed 10 pages of narrative, but a minimum of 6
  • 12-point font
  • Left-justified
  • Contains appropriate citations and annotations
  • Follow APA style (7th edition) guidelines


All papers should adhere to this format: 

  • Cover page
  • Introduction
  • Statement of the problem or issue to be studied
  • Survey of related literature (articles, summary of books, or research that is associated with your study issue, or that provides some historical foundation)
  • Presentation and interpretation of research specific to your issue
  • Implications, conclusions, and/or recommendations for strategy development and/or management decisions, based on your research
  • Reference page